Saturday, October 31, 2009

It is Better to Give than to Receive

Quinn was a riot this Halloween. She LOVED passing out the candy. You can sort of tell in this video that my Mom was making her give candy to our neighbor, Dallas because she had already given tons of candy to her brother - whose name happens to be Quinn. :) This went on and on. They must have made out with 1/2 our candy.

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Fall Fun

Boo at the Zoo

Saturday, October 17, 2009

So Long Summer

Summer went way too fast! It still feels like it should be summer, but instead its 40 degrees in October. Brrr! Here are some pictures (in reverse chronological order, in case you are curious) to show how much fun we had.

With Cranston at the Gov's house
Floating balls at COSI
Petting Goats with Daddy at the Zoo
On the Beaches of Traverse City, MI
Visiting with Keely
Pool Time in the Backyard
Duck Watching at Creekside
Cuddling with Tanner and Taylor after a Swim at Aunt Penny's
1 Year Photo Shoot with the Amazing Jaki